Heavy learner loan debts are absolutely not uncommon and they are becoming more frequent as every year goes by. If you are looking for ways to procure a home loan with learner debt then there are a few points to considers as follows:
A bank will first and prominent look at your debt to revenue ratio. Obviously every financial institution will have a dissimilar ratio that it considers to be viable. Whether you fit that criteria can only be thought about by the home loan lender you chose. In any case a quote from several mortgage lenders would be the ideal situation. A division you can work towards is somewhere around 30% - 35%. The more revenue you make the less your debt ratio will be. Regardless of what your learner debt is you are still likely to get a home loan as long as you fit within the ratio shape above.
You have to include and intuit your entire expenditure. This should include any retail or reputation card debt. Your current rent or board payments. Utility bills and any other type of reputation you still owe money on. Do not try to leave any of your debts off the forms. This could be the biggest mistake you make. All loan and financial clubs will run a reputation check on you. If you have several debts they did not know about you may be at once rejected. And likewise if you have bad debts owing or outstanding.

All depending on the economy health at the time you apply for a loan you may also have to consider having a home loan deposit. This can be as much as 20% - 25% of the value of the property you wish to purchase. Yes this is a requisite amount. In some situations lenders may only want 5% or even no deposit at all. Any way the latter can come with grave consequences additional down the track. This may seem like a remarkable explication but it can cost you thousands in additional interest payments. Unless you think you will never procure a deposit for a home loan, this may be favorable for you.
Getting a home loan without a deposit also means you will need to have a much lessor debt to revenue ratio. In your case you may not be in that situation or position to fit the criteria. It is commonly pretty tough and rather literal, to say the least.
If your debt to revenue ratio is over and above 30% - 35% your best options are to sacrifice your debt or seek other higher paying employment. Neither of these two options are easy but they are possible. I would strongly propose that you seek out free mortgage loan quotes so that you can get a normal idea of where you stand in the market. This will give you an idea of how much attempt is required on your part to get a home loan.
How to Get a Home Loan With High student Debt